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Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy

These terms of service govern your access to and use of SalesMatch, LLC websites and services, so please read everything carefully. This page explains the terms by which you may use our website and any other mobile or web services or applications owned, controlled, or offered by SalesMatch, LLC. By accessing or using the Sites you signify that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and the associated Privacy Policy.

Opt out of receiving data

If you want to permanently erase all your data, please contact us at support The information provided will only be used to process and fulfill your request. Your request will be processed in the shortest possible time and within the deadlines established in GDPR.

If you would like to check what data we hold about you as an individual, or for more information, please email us at

Data Protection

  • Purpose: The provision of the commissioned service.
  • Legitimations: Execution of the provision of the contracted service.
  • Recipients: SalesMatch.Ai will only communicate your data with your prior unequivocal
  • Rights: Access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, which we detail below.
For what purpose do we process your personal data?

At SalesMatch.Ai we process the information that you provide us with the main purpose of ordering, representing and defending the contracted professional activity, ensuring that our actions are respectful in compliance with current regulations.

The main purposes for which we can process your data, whether to comply with statutory obligations, legal obligations, public interests, legitimate interests or based on your consent, are the management of data related to these services.

We inform you that for the treatments that require your consent and therefore; data processing that is not necessary to comply with contractual, statutory or legal obligations, to guarantee public, vital or legal interests or to process the data based on the legitimate interests of SalesMatch.Ai duly weighted so as not to violate rights and freedoms of the interested parties, You can modulate and revoke consent for these treatments at any time, SENDING EMAIL TO: support @ to which you have access or also revoke your consent or request more information by sending an email to

No automated decisions will be made on the basis of this profile without your prior and informed consent in cases where the basis of legitimacy is your consent.

How long will we keep your data?

According to the data protection regulations, personal data will be kept until they are necessary for the purpose of the treatment and subsequently they will be kept duly blocked for as long as they are necessary, at the exclusive disposal of the competent Public Administrations, in order to attend to possible responsibilities arising from the treatment until end the legal prescription periods established in current regulations. The data will be stored on servers of the Amazon Web Services platform.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The basis of legitimacy for the processing of your data is the relationship as a client. The legitimacy basis for the processing of your data for the purpose of sending you information on SalesMatch.Ai activities, services and events that may be of interest to you and that is not necessary to comply with contractual, statutory or legal obligations, to guarantee public, vital or legal interests or to treat the data based on the legitimate interests of SalesMatch.Ai duly weighted so as not to violate the rights and freedoms of the interested parties, it is the provision of consent without in any case the withdrawal of this consent conditions the treatment of the data based on legal obligations.

Who are the recipients of your data?

The data will be transferred, in accordance with the Law, to the competent Public Administrations, as well as when necessary to comply with statutory and legal obligations.

The Categories of data that are processed are:

The data that can be processed by the data controller includes the following categories; identification data, postal and electronic address, commercial information, economic data for collection.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
  • Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether we are processing personal data.
  • Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, if appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was provided. 
  • In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in this case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims that may arise.
  • In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the processing of their data. SalesMatch.Ai will stop processing the data, except for legitimately compelling reasons or the exercise of possible claims.
  • Interested parties may request the portability of their data in automated support to another controller in the cases of treatment allowed by the GDPR.
  • At the time of cancellation of the data, they will only be kept blocked in compliance with legal obligations.
  • Without prejudice to the exercise of your rights before the data controller, you can also file a claim with a control authority.

The data you have provided will be processed by SalesMatch.Ai in accordance with the purposes described in this document, and in this sense you are informed that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification or deletion or limitation in its processing, and to oppose the processing , as well as the right to the portability of your data at the following email address

Privacy Policy

Event attendees authorize a photographic and audiovisual report on the activities carried out in which their image appears, as well as to broadcast in streaming. The photographic and audiovisual report may be disclosed in any medium (TV, press, internet, etc.) and in any advertising and media media (brochures, banners, panels, web page, activities report, publications, reports, etc.), all without limitation and including any other means and supports necessary for the dissemination of the programs and activities developed by the indicated entity, by itself or in collaboration with other entities, and without profit.

This authorization is granted without territorial or temporal limitation.

This authorization is completely free, and the attendee agrees not to request or claim any compensation, payment, reimbursement or compensation in exchange for this freely issued authorization for the use of his image.

Cookies policy

Analytical cookies are used, the purpose of which is to quantify the number of visitors and statistically analyze the use of.

Use made by the user on this site so that, whether treated by us or by third parties, these cookies are used to study and improve navigation on the web page.

With the first visit you are being informed of the existence of these cookies and our policy in this regard. The cookie will be stored on your computer’s hard drive until you delete it.

You can have your browser notify you of the presence of cookies or automatically reject them. If you reject cookies, you will be able to continue using this site without any problem, although in some cases it may limit the use of some of the features or prevent the proper functioning of this page. SalesMatch.Ai may engage third parties to perform functions on its behalf in connection with the purposes for which your personal data may be collected, such as analyzing the information provided. Said third parties may have access to the personal information necessary for the performance of their functions, although they may not use said information for any other purpose and we regulate our relations with such third parties in the manner required by the applicable regulations on data protection of personal character.

We use Google’s free web analytics tool which primarily allows website owners to understand how users interact with their website. It also enables cookies in the domain of the site you are on and uses a set of cookies called “__utma” and “__utmz” to collect information anonymously and report on website trends without identifying individual users.
